Microbes hold the world together

Life on earth would be impossible without microbes. They are found throughout the plant and animal world and fulfil essential functions. Without them, for example, we would not be able to digest our food. Discover the fascinating world of microbes with us in a playful way.

Microbes are everywhere. Extremely diverse communities of microbes, called microbiomes, inhabit every environment on Earth. They perform essential functions in the bodies and on the skin of humans and other animals, on the roots and leaves of plants, and in soils and waters. Although microbiomes form the foundation for every other organism to live on Earth, we are only just beginning to understand how they form, function and evolve.


The Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) Microbiomes brings together an interdisciplinary research network. By combining experimental, computational and engineering approaches, we aim to understand the common principles of microbiome function. What do the microbiomes of very different environments, such as an animal gut, an agricultural soil or the ocean surface, have in common? Can we predict how microbes will organise themselves or how they will interact with other microbes and with their environment?


At our family-friendly booth at Scientifica 2023, we will introduce you to the key roles that microbiomes play everywhere. We will show the different scientific approaches we are using to better understand microbial communities and harness their application potential. Playfully, you can discover with us what microbiomes do, what they look like and how life on Earth would be impossible without them.